Box Chain Collection Box Chain Collection Box Chain Collection

Box Chain Collection

Shop Rounded Box and Diamond Cut Box Chains


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1.7MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $455.00USD

2.0MM Box Chain (Diamond Cut)

Regular price $750.00USD

2.0MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $860.00USD

2.3MM Multi-Faceted Box Chain

Regular price $1,205.00USD

2.7MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $1,555.00USD

3.0MM Box Chain (Diamond Cut)

Regular price $1,430.00USD

3.3MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $2,625.00USD

3.5MM Multi-Faceted Box Chain

Regular price $1,670.00USD

3.5MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $2,430.00USD

4.0MM Box Chain (Diamond Cut)

Regular price $4,120.00USD

4.0MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $2,300.00USD

5.0MM Rounded Box Chain

Regular price $4,420.00USD